25 اپریل 2012


From:  Maktub

Paulo Coelho

Saint Anton was living in the desert when a young man approached him. "Father, I sold everything I owned, and gave the proceeds to the poor. I kept only a few things that could help me to survive out here. I would like you to show me the path to salvation." Saint Anton asked that the lad sell the few things that he had kept, and with the money buy some meat in the city. When he returned, he was to strap the meat to his body. The young man did as he was instructed. As he was returning, he was attacked by dogs and falcons who wanted the meat. "I'm back," said the young man, showing the father his wounded body and his tattered clothing. "Those who embark in a new direction and want to keep a bit of the old life, wind up lacerated by their own past," said the saint. 

The master says: "Make use of every blessing that God gave you today. A blessing cannot be saved. There is no bank where we can deposit blessings received, to use them when we see fit. If you do not use them, they will be irretrievably lost. "God knows that we are creative artists when it comes to our lives. On one day, he gives us clay for sculpting, on another, brushes and canvas, or a pen. But we can never use clay on our canvas, nor pens in sculpture."Each day has its own miracle. Accept the blessings, work, and create your minor works of art today. "Tomorrow you will receive others."

مگریہ بہت دل شکسگی کی بات ہے 
۔؛ڈ۔۔ یہ شکستہ ہو تو عزیز تر ہے نگاہ آئینہ ساز میں 
اورپھر مرہم بھی چوٹ لگنے کے بعد کام میں آتا ہے۔

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